5:34 p.m. | 2002-10-03

It�s All In The Timing.

So, I went to work and the big �project� I was working on with the recently-mentioned Professional Guy (PG) was resolved. That�s a good thing. But, now it was time to say good-bye to PG. So I called him.

But, I didn�t call him right away because I knew he would be busy with that whole thing. I waited until later to call. I just called him when I had a moment. Here�s what went down.

(PG:) PG.

(CI:) Hi PG, it�s Cruel-Irony from some place.

(PG:) (Laughing hysterically and talking his colleague: See, I told you she was gonna call!)

(CI:) Hello?

(PG:) You won�t believe this but we were just talking about you and I said: �She�s gonna call any minute� and then my phone rang, and Colleague said: �I bet that�s CI�. And, I answered the phone in it WAS you! (Laughing hysterically along with his colleague.) See, I knew you were gonna call me.

(CI:) Well, yeah. Now I just need to verify that everything worked out great.

(PG:) Yeah, it did! Did you hear about it?!

(CI:) Well, yeah. That�s why I�m calling. So, I just need to verify that we�re all done with everything now.

(PG:) Yeah, we�re all done with that now.

(CI:) Great! And, great job! I don�t normally deal with you guys as I usually deal with those other guys, so I guess this is the last time we�ll be working on something together.

(PG:) If you�re ever in town, you should look me up. And, if I�m ever in your town, I�ll come visit you.

(CI:) Okay. I guess you guys can go back to talking about me now.

(PG:) Isn�t that the funniest thing? (laughter everywhere in the background.) See, I knew you were gonna call and I told my Colleague you were gonna call and then the phone rang and it was you! And, Colleague said it was gonna be you! And it WAS!

(CI:) Yeah, that IS funny. So, I guess we�re done now. Good work!

(PG:) Thanks! And, THANK YOU for all your hard work. Good-bye Daarhhling.

(CI:) Uh, good-bye.

I think I�m gonna miss that bastard.

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