6:38 p.m. | 2002-10-28

With The Dark Comes Fibro Fog.

Yikes, it�s so dark out. So early. Time and weather changes always flare up my fibro symptoms. I know this. I acknowledge it. I even accept it. But, it still always surprises me.

Take tonight. I came home (in the dark I might add) and set about doing my nightly routine of getting things ready for tomorrow. I was in the bathroom taking out my contacts when I reminded myself to go get my pillbox out of my purse to put tomorrow�s meds in it because I have to take my daytime meds at work. Anyway, I left and returned with a� beer. When I popped it open, the fog cleared. What in the fuck�? Here�s the conversation that I had with myself.

(CI:) That�s not your pillbox.

(CI:) No, it�s not. It�s a beer.

(CI:) Well, thanks. Now would you please go get my pillbox?

(CI:) Sure.

Okay. See the funny thing is that I didn�t even know I had a beer in the fridge. Even weirder, I have no recollection of where in the fridge I got it from. Was it the door perhaps? And I normally have no difficulty distinguishing my pillbox from a beer. Plus, I don�t keep beer in my purse.

I was very rarely ditzy until I got fibro. Now I amaze even myself. I�ve done ditzy stuff before but even that had a rational basis. There�s no way I can even remotely rationalize this little incident. Yeah. Well. I guess I�ll have a beer. Cheers!

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