7:24 p.m. | 2002-11-07

Rainy Days, Super Powers & Goodbyes.

When I woke up this morning, I could hear the strong winds and rain. No. No. No. No. No. I thought I was going to start sobbing, but ya know, girls don�t cry. Really, I was devastated. And majorly stiff. Oh, and the pain. Fucketyfuckfuckfuck.

My hands are killing me. My regular daily medications are not doing much to alleviate the additional pain. Damndamndamn. How am I going to make it through the cold season?

Okay, enough whining for now. I�m quite sure this will be a running theme here until the warm season so I better spread it out a little. So on to other news.

I�ve discovered a huge drawback to my new little super power, besides the fact that I�m continuously shocking myself all day. My new electrical energy super glues my contacts to my eyes, making it nearly impossible to remove them at night. I suppose I could wear my glasses, but it�s all rainy and you know how annoying that can be.

Anyway, went to lunch today with Boss, Colleague and Boss� Former Boss (BFB). A good time was had by all, of course. We went to the Russian restaurant. I ordered the special: chicken parmigiana with soup or salad; I had borsht. I love this town. Really I do. I mean, Russian soup with an Italian entr�e. That�s some great stuff there.

Next week is BFB�s last week and I�ll be on vacation so we all got together this week. Out of our original lunch posse, we�ve already lost 3 people and gained 1. We lost 2 colleagues when they left to go to law school and 1 colleague when he left to do something else. In fact BFB will be joining the last colleague. We gained Boss somewhere in there. After next week, the only remaining original posse members will be Colleague and I. We�re building another posse though so don�t worry.

We talked mostly about stuff that wouldn�t be of interest to you (okay, that�s a lie), but here�s what I will share with you.

�So, what�d you think of the size of my umbrella?� (BFB to Colleague while carrying his humongous golf umbrella.)

Juvenile of course, but boys will be boys. I�m going to miss that bastard.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003