6:41 p.m. | 2002-11-08

You�ll Never Believe This Either!

I have no idea what�s gotten into me lately. Maybe it�s my new super power. Maybe I was abducted by aliens and they altered my genes.

See, I went shopping during lunch today at Victoria�s Secret for lotions like these. Actually, I just needed a new bottle of Vanilla Lace, but when I got there, they were having a great sale so I ended up with 6 bottles of lotion. I saved $24, I got several different scents and now I don�t have to go back there for long time. Remember, I hate shopping.

I can�t even recall the last time I went to Victoria�s Secret as I usually receive bottles of Vanilla Lace for birthdays, etc. This year I didn�t.

Anyway, I don�t go there for cute, little, matching underwear sets or for magical bras or for sexy lingerie. I believe that, in general, men could give a flying fuck if your undies match your bra. They just want it all OFF. As is the case with my man. I don�t go buy sexy little nothings, I just get naked. There�s no shopping required. Remember, I hate shopping.

I do believe that many women feel prettier, happier and sexier if they have cute, little, matching underwear sets or magical bras or sexy lingerie. And that�s great. Whatever works for you � that�s what�s important.

That said, I feel very odd when I go into stores such as those as I don�t frequent them often or at all. It�s like walking into a public slumber party or interrupting a Weetabix bonding moment. Don�t get me wrong� I have nothing against such a place or such fun, it�s just not me. Remember, I hate shopping.

First off, it�s located right next to the Macy�s Men�s Department store. In fact, it�s oddly angled so you can�t help but to look into the store to get to the Men�s Department. Not an accident. Second, I have to walk past every item in the store in order to get to the back where the lotions are. Not an accident. Finally, as I�m checking out different scents, a man starts wandering around in the store calling out my name repeatedly. Cruel-Irony? Cruel-Irony? Cruel-Irony? That was an accident. (Apparently he had briefly lost sight of his small child. Go figure.)

As I mentioned the lotions were on sale so I got several scents. Lest you think I�m not all that girly, I�m even going to tell you what they are: Vanilla Lace, Sweet Temptation, Tropical Nectar and Love Spell. They�re all Silkening Body Lotions from Victoria�s Secret Garden collection. See, I�m girly.

Anyway, there were many women and a couple of men in the store. This one lady was commenting very loudly about various pieces of merchandise while she was being rung up. She went over to a rack, grabbed some shorts type of thing, held it up and gushed about how cute it was but alas, it was too small. (I was thinking: It is cute, if you�re 6� not a size 6, six-years-old 6.) However, the cashier reassured her that it would actually fit her. She herself had to go a size down when she bought hers. Then there was more manhandling of merchandise and more commentary. Remember, I hate shopping.

See, this is the part where I get rather uncomfortable. It�s not that I�m repressed or Victorian or anything like that. Shoot, my favorite thing to wear is absolutely nothing. However, somehow I missed out on this particular girl-bonding gene. Or maybe these just aren�t my kind of girls. These are shopping kind of girls.


Oh yeah, don�t forget that I�m going on vacation tomorrow so if I don�t have a chance to update again, I hope you all have a wonderful Veteran�s Day and a great week. I�ll update when I return. Cheerio!

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