6:21 p.m. | 2002-11-21

A Very Special Christmas Gift.

I found an old computer disk, popped it into the computer and took a look. There was a document on it that I didn�t recognize. I opened it. It was a letter that GuyFriend wrote many years ago to a friend of his. It was about a present I once gave him.

See GuyFriend is also an ex-boyfriend. And a law school buddy. And a former colleague. We met, dated and lived together in law school but had broken up by the time we became colleagues. We broke up several years ago (a mutual decision) but he�s a great guy and we�re law school buddies so we�ve always remained friends. Now he�s married and is a stepfather. His wife doesn�t much appreciate our friendship and since we no longer work together, our friendship is more conceptual than practical.

Anyway, one Christmas, I gave him a very valuable coin that I had received from my grandfather who collected coins. GuyFriend is a coin collector and has been since he was a wee lad. I�m not specifically a coin collector, but I do enjoy historical pieces and family heirlooms. This coin was both. It was also only 1 of 20 that I have, however, it was the most valuable.

I gave it to him because I knew that he would truly treasure and appreciate it. He was shocked. That one coin is actually more valuable than his entire coin collection. He tried to refuse the gift but I insisted that he accept it. When we broke up, he tried to give it back to me. I refused to take it back; I don�t take back gifts. And, I know that he still treasures and appreciates it.

Anyway, I stumbled across this letter he wrote to a friend describing his excitement about receiving that gift. I had forgotten all about it. It was quite touching to read his words. If my grandfather was alive, I�m quite sure he would be very pleased that particular coin is part of a fellow collector�s collection.

your thoughts?

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