4:54 p.m. | 2002-11-23

I�m Not A Star Gazer.

When out and about at work, we see well-known and/or famous people on a regular basis. However, I rarely recognize anyone. I�m notoriously bad about names and faces when it comes to the rich and famous because I really could give a flying fuck about stuff like that. Don�t get me wrong, I love the entertainment business for the enjoyment it brings but I don�t see any need to file away all those bits of information in my brain. When it comes to this stuff, I learn by repetition. I have to see the person and hear their name over and over again before it sticks. Just a little quirky thing about me.

So the other day, we passed a professional sports star while walking to lunch. Colleague identified him. I missed it completely. (In fairness to me, I really don�t watch sports so it�s not likely that I�d recognize a sports star.) Anyway, later I was talking about this quirk of mine with Another Colleague.

She was surprised at my stunning ignorance of such things so she starts naming off people and asking me if I would recognize them. My answer to each person? �No.� Finally, in desperation, she comes up with this.

(AC:) Michael Jackson?

(CI:) That would depend on the day. And, I really don�t think that�s a fair question. I mean, please, his looks change more frequently than a chameleon�s.

To make her feel better, I did tell her that I recognized Arnold Schwarzenegger when he walked right in front of us one day when we were coming back from lunch. And I told her I thought I would recognize John Travolta. Again, repetition. If you�re into such things, don�t go stargazing with me.

your thoughts?

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JournalCon 2003