5:24 p.m. | 2002-11-29

Life Goes On.

I would like to thank everyone who sent emails, signed my Guestbook or sent cards expressing their condolences. The support I�ve received means a tremendous amount to me. So thank you.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I visited a little with Dearest Sister, packed up and drove home. My dad�s memorial was on Wednesday so that was our day for family. We mourned a lot and we laughed a bunch. Needless to say, we all were very thankful for the things that we have including the times each of us had with dad. Death is a part of life, but only a part.

There were many moments of levity this week, not the least of which was discovering that my dad had 2 sons and 5 daughters, rather than 1 son and 6 daughters. See, the folks at the funeral home listed my eldest sister as a son in the little remembrance/guest signing book. Someone said we should have them fix it. I said I thought we should leave it because I thought it was funny. Besides, dad had a great sense of humor; he would have found it funny too. However, I must say that my eldest sister�s husband mentioned that he was a little concerned about what that suggested about him. He thought he married a woman but, apparently, he married a man. That just made it funnier to me.

Anyway, I have a lot of Diaryland reading to catch up on. Gotta go.

your thoughts?

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JournalCon 2003