11:22 p.m. | 2002-12-18

A Weird Day.

I had one of those days where 98% of the time, it was business as usual, but the other 2% was very odd and I realized that I don�t know really know who I am.

That other 2%. I had one foot in one world and the other in another world. Perhaps an analogy is needed here. It�s akin to be a regular person who becomes homeless but keeps company with the President.

Okay, this is probably not making any sense.

That�s fine with me as my whole day didn�t make sense. However, I often find myself straddling fences when it comes to people. I�m just me. If you�re looking for something else, you shouldn�t be looking at me.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003