7:01 p.m. | 2002-12-23

Rain Man.

I pulled in my driveway tonight only to see one of my neighbors washing one of their cars. In the dark. When it�s all cold, windy and messy outside. I thought it was rather odd, but to each his own and all. Here�s that.

(CI:) You know that you�re gonna make it rain, right?

(Neighbor:) I�m just washing off all the bird shit.

(CI:) Yeah, the birds have been pretty bad lately.

(Neighbor:) There�s bird shit all over� (sweeping his arm in a grand gesture over their car).

(CI:) Yeah, I know.

(Neighbor:) And, yes, I do know I�m gonna make it rain.

(CI:) Well okay, just as long as you know you�re messing with the weather, that�s what counts.

You bet your ass I�ll be cussing him tomorrow. Damn Rain Man.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003