8:43 p.m. | 2003-01-22

Katie, Bar The Door!

I guess I jinxed myself when I said I was hitting my busy season. It�s not merely my �busy� season; it�s, apparently, my �super duper busy� season. There�s a torrential downpour going on in my inbox. In all my inboxes, in fact. At work, at home. In my actual inboxes and all my electronic inboxes. Yikes!

One of the pesky little things that happened is that one of our software providers decided to overhaul their product for the new year. Without telling us. Well, that�s not quite true. We received approximately 50 email messages about it ahead of time, but we choose to cross the bridge when we get to it. At the new year, we got to the bridge and didn�t know what the fuck to do. So, we signed up for training.

Oh, and I so missed the boat. Here�s that.

(Colleague:) I don�t think I should attend the training because it�ll be really crowded with all us crammed around one desk. (Yeah, all 3 of us.)

(CI:) Huh?

(Boss:) Remember? I sent you that email about how they�re going come do on-site training since the class was full so we�re doing it here in the office.

(CI:) Oh yeah, that sounds familiar. It�s on Friday right?

(Boss:) Uh no. They�ll be here in an hour.

(CI:) Oh, okay. I guess I�ll be doing that this afternoon instead of this, that and the other thing.

We had a great trainer and she actually put up with all our shenanigans. And trust me, we weren�t on our best behavior. She did say this:

�I can see that you have a great rapport with each other.�

She was, uh, so diplomatic, and thankfully, had a great sense of humor. So now I�m all trained and empowered. Now I know how to reassign all my work to Colleague. And, since he didn�t attend the training session, he doesn�t know how to assign it all back to me.

Knowledge is power after all.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003