7:08 p.m. | 2003-01-27

With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies?

So, I�ve been having some weird dreams. I don�t really make it a habit to share them here because something�s lost in the translation from Dreamland to Diaryland, however, I think this one translates rather well.

Boss, Colleague, Boss� Former Boss (BFB), GuyFriend (GF) and I are walking back to work after lunch when BFB is shot in the head in a drive-by shooting. Here�s that.

(GF:) Hey BFB, someone just shot you in the back of the head.

(CI:) Really? Where? Let ME see.

(GF:) Yeah. See? Right there. (Pointing out the entry wound to me.)

(CI:) Wow. Someone did shoot you in the head BFB.

(C:) Oh and look� the exit wound is right there. (Pointing to the exit wound located at the base of his throat.)

(Boss:) (Ignoring all of us and mentally planning her next vacation. She does this a lot. Trust me, I know that �look�.)

(GF, CI, C:) Wow!

(BFB:) (Just standing there letting us examine his entry and exit wounds. Note that he didn�t fall, collapse or even stumble.)

Okay. Let me just say that, if that really happened, I would hope that instead of exhibiting a morbid fascination with forensic evidence, at least ONE of us would suggest calling 911. Or actually call 911. Or perhaps duck, run, scream, cry� ya know, something approximating an appropriate response.

Perhaps I�ve been watching a few too many episodes of Law & Order. Just a thought.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003