6:52 p.m. | 2003-02-06

My Four Walls Have Been A Lovely Shade Of Pallor.

Within one month, three people in my family died. In the following month, two people in Boss� family died. For the first month, people wore themselves out asking me if I was okay, and for the second month, people wore themselves out asking me if Boss was okay. And, to add insult to injury, someone recently said this to me: �I hope you�re over your father�s death by now.� Um. Yeah. Okay. Throw in some pretty nasty pain, foggy gray skies and sleepless nights, and VOILA! One bitchy, irritable, frowny Cruel-Irony.

But it�s better now because Boss is BACK. Woohoo! Lots of laughing going on. Yay!

Interestingly enough, when we were walking back from lunch Another Colleague asked Boss, Colleague and I if we realized that we always walk in a certain order and in a certain way when we�re together. And, get this, she said we look like the Mod Squad or something. We don�t really know what she meant by that, but we took it as a compliment, of course. (We�re all old enough to know the reference, we�re just not sure if that means we look like crime fighters, really cool, or perhaps, really cheesy.)

Highlights of the day:

A cute guy smiled and winked at me today.

The sun was shining all day.

Another cute guy walked into a wall while saying hi to me.

Boss told me to go home early.

Bestest Girlfriend invited me to lunch tomorrow.

My man brought me a flower because he was �thinking of me�.

Looks like my time out is over. Well, at least for now.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003