8:10 p.m. | 2003-03-07

I�ve Got A Date Tomorrow�

�with the Furnace Guy. The contractor�s not sure what happened to the old furnace guy, so I�ll be meeting the new one. On Saturday � MySleepInDay � morning. I can hardly wait. It�ll either be the Man of My Dreams or, well, the Furnace Guy. Lay ya odds it�s the latter, but I like to keep an open mind.

In honor of his impending arrival, I�ve cleaned the floor that encases my gas floor furnace. See that�s the tricky part. It�s hard to find someone who knows how to fix old, gas floor furnaces. And, he initially forgot to make arrangements with me so I ended up having to call him so he�s been kissing my butt. Well, figuratively anyway. But, I tell you what, if he can fix my furnace so as to lower my $300/month gas bill, I might let him kiss my butt literally. Ya just never know.

I�ve been restless lately. And, in denial. It�s only two weeks until Spring Equinox followed about a month later with Daylight Savings Time. Every year, I wait anxiously for these dates, yet I always remain in denial about the fact that weather and time changes really flare up my fibro. Even when they�re good changes.

I see the signs. I�ve been experiencing random, sharp muscle spasms. My bones are popping right and left. I can hardly get up in the morning. I�m unsteady on my feet. And, of course, I�ve been kicking. The other night when I was getting off the shuttle, I very suddenly and violently kicked the interior front area of the bus, right next to the driver. I quickly apologized but he said it was okay since he kicks the bus sometimes too.

It�s okay though because I know I�ll do much better once we get through all these changes. Soon, my life will become much easier and I�ll have made it through another Winter season. And, actually, this Winter hasn�t been so bad. Well, healthwise anyway. My coping skills and preventative measures have improved tremendously.

In addition to being restless, I�ve also been quite witty. Just like Heidi.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003