4:52 p.m. | 2003-03-09

Who Knew?

We�ve had beautiful weather all weekend. The sun�s been shining and it�s been relatively warm. All spring-like. So, while I was out and about yesterday, I stopped by the store to pick up some bedding plants and a new garden hose.

See, since last summer, my hose has had a split in it, which means that when I watered my garden, I also watered me. I attempted to buy one several months ago, but apparently, garden hoses are a seasonal item in many stores.

As I was placing the hose in my basket, I noticed the a warning label on the back of it as follows:

WARNING: This product contains lead, a chemical known to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Do no place your hands in your mouth after handling product. Do not place the product in your mouth. Wash your hands after touching this product.

Yikes. Of course, I immediately got an itch on my nose. I headed for the checkout stand silently repeating this mantra: �Do not touch your face. Do not touch your face.� Once at the counter, while I was being rung up, I debated on whether or not I should point this label out to the cashier since he was handling this leaded product, and would go on to handle the objects of others.

As he handed me my new hose, I pointed out the warning label. A look of panic crossed his face, he thanked me for telling him, and dashed off to wash his hands.

I had a nice mellow weekend. Messed around in the garden planting new flowers and watering with my new hose. It feels so good to be out in the sun and fresh air. Boy, have I missed gardening.

I went out to lunch yesterday at a local place. Here�s my favorite quip from that.

(Guy:) You gotta a burger with bacon and cheese?

(Waitress:) Yes.

(Guy:) I�ll take that then. But, NO VEGETABLES.

(Waitress:) It comes with fries and coleslaw. You want a double order of fries instead of the coleslaw?

(Guy:) Please. Just NO VEGETABLES.

A future heart attack in the making right there.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003