8:11 p.m. | 2003-03-13

A Truth About Rumors.

Recently, the Head Honcho (HH) at work called a meeting of all the people within our particular domain. HH discussed current, anticipated and possible changes within our organization. None of which really affect our day-to-day functions. Mostly technical shit. Afterwards, HH asked if there were any questions. There were only a couple and that surprised HH because there�s a lot going on right now. So, this question was posed.

�No more questions? Are you sure? Any rumors you�d like to talk about and/or dispel?�

There were no takers. Not that there aren�t rumors running rampant all over the place, but no one wanted to discuss them in the meeting. Mostly though, I think people didn�t want any rumors to be dispelled.

I think that�s what makes gossip so intriguing, entertaining and addictive. Usually, rumors aren�t totally true, having been embellished on their whirlwind tour about the workplace, but contain a grain of truth. And, that truth often causes disappointment, surprise or disinterest.

But, when it�s still a rumor, everyone can place within it perspectives, beliefs or interpretations of their own choosing. In a sense, it�s verbal art. A form of oral graffiti, if you will. Some consider it a blight, others treat it as a hobby, and some find it a nuisance.

It made me realize that gossip is an integral part of our communities. Shit, it�s a gazillion dollar industry brought to us by tabloids, TV and even newspapers. Albeit, not all forms of medium purposely set about to spew rumors, but often, the whole story doesn�t quite get captured, discovered and/or examined properly.

Anyway, that�s just my opinion. Which may or may not contain any truth. And, you�re free to dispel it if you choose. Of course.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003