1:11 a.m. | 2003-07-03

That�s A Wrap For Tonight. Um, Today.

I�m all done packing. Well, you know, not technically and all, but there�s only a few random things that need to be boxed up. I�ll be packing those things today. After I finish this, take a shower, sleep sans medication, and get up bright and early to take care of the last minute stuff.

I�ll say this. I have a lot of books. While packing them tonight, I started writing wacky stuff on the boxes� like: �Um, books.�; �Look, more books!�; �Cookbooks and yet more books. Why do I have all these books?� I did actually write that stuff on the boxes. Why?

Well, because I�m kind of wacky. That was confirmed today when Boss, Intern and I all had this conversation.

(CI:) Oh, by the way Intern, while you were out yesterday, I totally messed up one of your assignments on your computer. I was busy, Boss was breathing down my neck, and, well, it was your right-handed mouse that made me mess up. Boss just redid it on her computer, but the version you have on yours is wrong. Sorry.

(I:) What?! You messed up one of MY files because of my RIGHT-HANDED mouse. What? You can�t use a NORMAL mouse?

(Boss:) (Chuckling.) No, she can�t.

(CI:) You know Intern, I�ve relented to you RIGHT-HANDED people for most of my life, including all those years that I USED a right-handed mouse just to appease �you people�. But, several years ago, I decided that I�d had enough of that and I switched my mouse over to the LEFT side. Now, I piss off all the right-handed people who try to use my computer. And, you know what? I�m perfectly fine with that. I enjoy that.

(Boss:) See, Cruel-Irony just marches to a different, um, drummer.

(CI:) YEAH, a LEFT-HANDED drummer. Why is that so hard for �you people� to understand?

(I:) (Looking at me.) Why can�t you just be a little, well, normal?

(Boss:) Cruel-Irony just marches to a different, um, band. Or maybe she just marches differently. We haven�t really figured it out yet.

(CI:) Sorry, I just can�t be all �normal� like� um, Boss is.

(Boss:) Yeah. I�m so normal I�m dysfunctional.

(CI:) See Intern, that�s about as normal as you can be nowadays.

Ironically, Intern has to write a paper tonight (for college) about his internship. And, you know, what he does at MyWorkPlace and all. That should make for an interesting paper, don�t you think?

So, this is it. Tomorrow, I�ll be in my dreamspace. And, my dreamspace will be as jacked-up as this place is right now. However, I�m better at unpacking than packing, so I�m hoping it won�t be jacked-up for long.

But, this place? I�m gonna miss the garden I designed, planted and nurtured. I�ll definitely miss my wooden walls, floors and ceilings. I�ll miss my neighbors, of course. And, my neighborhood. I�ll miss quite a bit, but I�m ready for a new space.

So, now I step into my �Eloise� shoes and, actually they fit. They fit very well. I�m not sure when I�ll be updating next, but it�ll be from TheHotel.

Wish me luck. I�ll be needing it.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003