12:50 a.m. | 2003-07-25

Cruel-Irony Goes To The Movies.

I know, I know. I can�t believe it either. I haven�t been to a movie theatre in many, many years. And, of course, we all know I don�t have a cell phone or a DVD player either. Yes, it is a strange world that I live in.

However, I went with someone. See, I don�t like to go to the movies by myself much. It�s not that I�m afraid to, or that I don�t enjoy watching movies by myself, rather it�s because one of the best things about seeing a movie is discussing it afterwards. I can only discuss things with myself for so long before I irritate the hell out of me.

Anyway, we saw �28 Days Later�. You know, �zombies� are much scarier when they move really, really fast. We also noticed something else interesting about zombies.

(Him:) How come the zombies didn�t kill each other?

(CI:) Good question. In general, do zombies kill each other? I mean, did they kill each other in �Night of the Living Dead�? (It�s been awhile since I�ve seen that movie.)

(Him:) No, I don�t think so. Hmm� why is that?

(CI:) I don�t know. I think it�s just part of the zombie nature. Plus, it�d ruin the whole �us� versus �them� thing they got going on. I�ll tell you what though, when the zombies scare the rats, those are some pretty scary zombies.

(Him:) Hey, you�re not kidding there.

See, while you guys are all busy talking on your cell phones, watching the DVDs or going to the movies, I�m out there in the big wide world meeting all kinds of people. Ironically, this includes people who own cell phones, DVDs and go to the movies a lot.

You know, my life is actually stranger than I thought. But, hell, it works for me so whatever.

Had a rather interesting conversation with a Professional Guy (PG) recently. This is that.

(PG:) I�ll just email you what we have. What�s your Bad Boy email address? Er, sorry, your Bad Girl email address?

(CI:) Actually, I think it�d be fun to be a Bad Boy. Do I have to fight people and all that?

(PG:) Definitely. And, it has to be on film. Oh, and you have to swear. A lot.

(CI:) Well, I got the swearing part down already. No problem there. But, not so much with the fighting and shit. I�ve never done that before and I�m kind of a little person.

(PG:) I�ll tell you� some of the littlest people are the best fighters.

(CI:) Oh, I know about that. Anyway, here�s my �Bad Boy� address.

At heart, I�m really just a sweet, innocent and harmless girl. And, don�t listen to what those other people say, because THAT�S all just a big misunderstanding.

Can you tell I�m tired? Zombie-like perhaps?

Moving on.

If you�re needing some advice, go see Akatzen. However, if you�re looking for a fortune, go see Girls Don�t Cry. And, if you�re looking for some modern-day zombies, check out �28 Days Later�.

I'm just saying.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003