2:16 a.m. | 2003-07-26

More About My Exciting Life.

Tonight was Girl�s Night Out with Bestest Girlfriend (BG). She came over to check out my new Dreamspace and, of course, she LOVES it. And, she was completely in awe of the fact that we could just walk somewhere for dinner.

First, we went to a new restaurant, but it�s still way overcrowded, so we simply walked to another one. A local, trendy place with great food, outside seating and the right atmosphere.

Then we talked. Actually, we started talking from the get go and never stopped. Such as women do. We had to catch up, and we just barely knocked off the tip of the iceberg. Here�s some of that.

(CI:) Oh, and Security Guard says hi, and Colleague asked me all these weird questions about you and BestestGirlfriendBoyfriend (BGB) that I didn�t know the answers to. You know that I must return with answers.

(BG:) Tell Security Guard hi back; BGB asked me to say hi for him. And, what weird questions did Colleague ask you?

(CI:) Just about some stuff that, well, you and I never talk about. Apparently he doesn�t know what chicks talk about when they get together. Anyway, he asked what your plans are for after you graduate law school� you know, if you and BGB are going to move up to your parents� town, or if you guys are going to move down to his parents� town. Weird shit like that. I didn�t even understand most of it.

(BG:) What�d you tell him?

(CI:) Well, I was a little dumbfounded by those questions so I basically told him that I didn�t think you�d be doing either of those things. I really, really have no idea why he�d think you�d move to ThisTown or ThatTown. Or, well, anywhere remotely close to your parents or his parents. I don�t know; it just confused me.

(BG:) Does Colleague know me at all?! Obviously not, I guess. Of course, I didn�t really talk much when I worked at MyWorkPlace. And, why does everybody keep asking me if I�m going to move back to my parents� town? More importantly, why does everyone else plan to do just that? Why would anyone want to do that?

(CI:) Yeah see, I don�t know about that stuff. I�ve haven�t lived in the same town with any family member since I was 18. But, I guess lots of people do. It�s all very strange to me.

(BG:) Me too.

(CI:) But, since Colleague�s asking, what are you gonna do?

(BG:) I have no idea.

(CI:) Do you and BGB like MyTown?

(BG:) Yeah, we�d like to stay here.

(CI:) Okay, that�s good enough for an answer.

Then, of course, we moved on to the things we understand and like to talk about. Stuff like this.

(CI:) My life is very strange, albeit it appears to be very normal and even boring. But, weird things just happen in my life like ThisStrangeStory.

(BG:) Oh, that is really cool, but very weird.

(CI:) That seems to be the vibe of my life � cool, but weird. Sometimes, it�s like pushing the envelope by just �showing up�. Somehow, this all seems to make sense to me, but not to anyone else. (Editor�s Note: Yes, we do all want to be understood. And, why yes, I am very profound. At least when it pertains to common knowledge.)

(BG:) I know what ya mean. (Heh.)

(CI:) And, then of course, I berate people who spend all their time on their cellphone, watching DVDs and going to movies while I walk amongst strangers and meet people who, well, talk on their cellphone, watch DVDs and go to the movies. I�m proving a positive here, aren�t I.

(BG:) Uh, yeah.

(CI:) Well, you know, I paid a hell of a lot of money to develop these analytical skills, so I must use them.

Good lord, THAT should be the next horror film. A woman with �enhanced� analytical skills that likes to talk a lot. That even scares me, but yet, it is me. Apparently, I scare myself.

Anyway, amongst all this talking, we came back to my place. I guess that makes BG my first guest. She so totally loves my new Dreamspace. And, she was quite impressed with my ability to make things appear and disappear very quickly. Things such as an end table here or there, a sudden footstool, and well, instant air conditioning. She was also impressed with my ability to fit (almost) 39 years of my life into such a small space without it being all cluttered. She definitely doesn�t think I have too much stuff. See, she gets THAT.

And, finally, just to prove positive that I�m so not the fashion queen, we had this conversation.

(BG:) Your outfit is just so cute.

(CI:) Thanks. I wore it to Christmas In July and um, well, I had some difficulties with it all. See, I told StepSisterSparkly (SSP) that I got it at ThisStore.

(BG:) Oh, you must mean ThatStore.

(CI:) Well, of course. But then, you understand how my brain misfires and gives me the wrong words. And, you correct them yourself in your brain. You translate for me, but SSP doesn�t know that I mess up like that.

(BG:) That could be very confusing.

(CI:) Yeah, she�s perpetually confused by me. And, rightfully so. It seems that ThisStore is actually a name of a decorating style � which I�m sure I picked up from HGTV � and ThatStore is the name of the clothing store where I got these clothes.

(BG:) That�s hilarious!

(CI:) If you think that �disconnect� was funny, you should have heard the conversation we had when I told SSP that I like to polish rocks. I wish I had THAT on tape.

(BG:) Oh, I would pay to hear that!

(CI:) Well, I can sum it up for you pretty easily� she just kept asking me �why�? We can�t seem to discuss anything �normal� yet we can fling quick and witty sarcastic remarks around until the cows come home. Maybe we should just stick with that for now.

(BG:) Yeah, maybe so.

Officially, that�s 2 nights in a row that I�ve gone out, and I do believe I�ll be stepping out tomorrow night. See, more exciting.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003