2:37 a.m. | 2003-07-27

My Life Actually Is More Exciting.

For the last couple of weeks, I�ve been spending some time with Lancelot. Tonight, we had dinner at his place and watched some DVDs (imagine that) he rented. Of course, we had to do some historical zombie research, hence we watched Night of the Living Dead.

Perhaps I would have learned more about general zombie characteristics if we hadn�t talked all the way through it. While eating dinner. Of course, we�ve both seen it many times before, so that was fine.

We also watched Phone Booth, which we didn�t talk through. I enjoyed that movie and found it engaging and thought-provoking. However, it�s more of a short film than a typical movie as it�s only about 80 minutes long.

I enjoyed the food, movies and conversations. I left at 1:00am and drove home. On my way home, I noticed that the night is still young at that time Downtown on Saturday night. There were many, many people out and about. Still are actually. And, many folks at TheHotel are still up and about. Such as myself, actually.

See, Downtown is a happening place. In my old �hood, everyone was fast asleep by that time, or at least in their homes. Not so much here.

Here�s yet another conversation I had with Bestest Girlfriend last night.

(CI:) You know, I�m glad I did things the way I did in my life.

(BG:) What�d you mean?

(CI:) Well, in my 20�s, instead of partying and all that, I went to school and worked. I did all the �responsible� things while I was young. Now I have three degrees and 20+ years of work experience. Which is great, because I can �play� now without worrying about all that stuff.

(BG:) What�d ya wanna do now?

(CI:) Whatever I feel like doing. Of course, I�m still running a household so I have built-in responsibilities, but I can handle all that in my sleep. NOW, I wanna partay! All the time.

Actually, I just wanna have fun. Do the things I enjoy doing with people that I like being with whenever I want to. Well, outside of working hours, etc.

I�m thinking that moving to my Dreamspace was a really good idea. Lets just hope I was right.

Oh, and I discovered that Lancelot doesn�t have two cell phones. He has three. Oh, the irony� it�s just so rich.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003