| 2003-09-19

No, Really? You Have A Story About Me?

The Golden Boy called me tonight. Hurricane notwithstanding. We used to work together about 10 years ago and we�ve always kept in touch. Sporadically, mind you but we�ve always maintained contact.

We had a rather strange conversation tonight. Well, strange to me. Here�s some of that.

(GB:) Oh, I LOVE my favorite story about you. I tell it all the time.

(CI:) Really? What, pray tell, is THAT story? I�ve never heard THIS story. Spill.

(GB:) When CW (our former boss) reviewed you, of course.

(CI:) I remember that review but, frankly, I don�t think it�s story-worthy. What story do you have?

(GB:) Oh my god! It�s one of my best. He gave you a review and then asked you to add your comments and sign off on it. However, you asked him if you could add attachments � attachments, that�s so funny! � AND take it home overnight to review it.

(CI:) Of course. Why�s that a �story�?

(GB:) Well, he immediately called OurBoss and complained.

(CI:) What? It was a frickin� review for Pete�s sake!

(GB:) OurBoss told him to �handle it�. Oh, we were enjoying that for days! You caused quite a stir. CW was really worked up about it because no one had done that before. Attachments! That really threw him for a loop.

(CI:) You know, after I did that review, OurBoss started showing me some respect. Was it because of THAT? I mean, he never came around before.

(GB:) Absolutely.

(CI:) Well, that explains all the times OurBoss consulted with me and it also explains why he told me that he wanted OurCompany to pay for my law schooling and asked me if I�d be their legal counsel if they paid for it. Wow. That explains a whole bunch of stuff actually. Why didn�t you tell me this before?

(GB:) I thought you knew how much you intimidated CW. I thought you knew all this stuff.

(CI:) No. I had no idea. Do you even remember why I protested my review?

(GB:) No. I�ve forgotten.

(CI:) I�ll never forget it. I was PISSED OFF because he refused to list my completion of college as beneficial to my employment. And, because I was pissed off, I went on to list a bunch of other stuff that I did that fell outside my job duties. But, most importantly, do you remember what I did after that?

(GB:) No.

(CI:) Well, of course you wouldn�t. But, remember, how it just so happened that the next day in the newspaper, they posted a picture of a new stop sign? And, �stop� was spelled �sotp�? Remember how I diligently cut that picture out of the paper and put that up in my office until I left?

(GB:) Yeah, it� coming back to me� I do remember that.

(CI:) Thanks for the story though because I always wondered why OurBoss suddenly took an interest in me.

(GB:) They�re still talking about that at our old workplace, and I actually motivate people nowadays by telling that story.

It�s odd what you fixate on. Especially when you�re young.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003