11:31 p.m. | 2003-12-16

I Always Expect The Unexpected, Except When It�s Unexpected.

In my spare time, I prove a positive and negate a negative. Well, and then, I dabble in that whole relativity theory and debate the atom thing while pondering the properties of gravity.

Unless I�m taking a nap.

Lets back up a little. Going all the way back to the beginning of the day. That�s a good place to start, I think.

So, I went to work. I spent the morning working and eating. For lunch, I walked, talked, got some takeout and went back to working. And eating. Then, I pretty much just continued working.

I know, it�s a strange habit that I have. That working thing.

Anyway, I answered some questions for some people, provided updates on some stuff and did what I normally do.

And, being diligent, I stayed late. Hence, I received a message today that I would�ve otherwise received tomorrow. Here was my mental and verbal response:


But alas, there was no one there to answer my question. However, I�m glad I stayed late because I really, really wouldn�t have wanted to receive that message tomorrow.

There�s some tinkering that needs to be done. I will say that.

In other news, I�m on a household �strike�. Specifically, I�m refusing to grocery shop, cook and clean the tub.

Since I�m a household of one, I suppose that�s not really news. And, as a strategy, it�s really lame. Yes, I am relieved of those duties for as long as I strike, however, I also suffer the consequences.

But, I feel righteous about it. I�m hungry, of course, but hell, I got out of grocery shopping tonight.

I think I know what I�ll be doing this weekend.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003