4:12 p.m. | 2004-01-04

An Update About Nothing And Everything All At The Same Time.

I really hadn�t planned on taking any time off from updating, but I did. That�s me, spontaneous as all get out. I just usually plan it.

Anyway, I had a four-day weekend and planned to spend it by myself accomplishing several tasks that needed to be done. I was successful for the most part. However, I did also talk to four of the five men who recently signed my dance card. And, DearestSister. Even though I�m single and live alone, I can�t really get away unless I go away. Much to my chagrin. Shoot, my phone�s aringin� as I write this.

I also paid the bills, did laundry, went grocery shopping, cooked, cleaned, wrote and sent a letter, reviewed a CD for a friend, slept in, read and watched TV. Exciting stuff.

I even walked over to ThePark on New Year�s Eve to watch the fireworks. Then I returned home to receive phone call after phone call. Lots of well wishers this New Years.

Back to work tomorrow. Good thing I�m rested up because there�s no telling what�s waiting for me there. Lets hope it�s a good thing.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003