9:55 p.m. | 2004-01-05

I Don�t Exist, I Persist. It Works Sometimes.

Again it�s hard to explain, but I�ve never been given any official word that I�ve been laid off, demoted or saved. So, I chose the path of resistance, I guess.

I just showed up at work this morning.

Got into the building just fine and got into my office with no problem. But, my computer wouldn�t hook up to the mothership or whatever. No email, no printing, no recognition. Yet, oddly, my work still needs to be done so I still need those capabilities.

I sought out the computer folks and I was surprised to discover several new people. Well, that�s not quite true. I expected there�d be some new folks, but I hadn�t expected that I�d need to call on them right off the bat. Anyway, here�s that.

(CI:) Good morning. Are you a computer person?

(ComputerGuy1:) Good morning. Yes ma�am, I�m a computer person. What can I help you with?

(CI:) Well, I�m no longer hooked up to the network so I can�t use my email or print anything.

(CG1:) That doesn�t make any sense, ma�am.

(CI:) I know. But, it�s true. I believe that somehow, somewhere, someone has drawn a big ol� red X through my name.

(CG1:) But, you�re here, so� well, show me what the problem is.

I showed him, he agreed that I wasn�t hooked up so he took me to ComputerGuy2, who�s also new. And, there it was. My name with a big huge X through it. A red X at that. CG1 and CG2 worked together to fix all that. Thankfully.

There was some interesting commentary though. Interesting to me, that is. Most of it came from CG2. To wit.

(CG2:) (Looking around my office.) Wow, you have quite a collection of things that would put insomniacs to sleep.

(CI:) Yeah, I do.

(CG2:) I often wonder about the people who write that stuff. Do they realize how boring it is? I mean, how could anyone even write such things? You know?

(CI:) Yeah, I do indeed. It�s pretty dry stuff.

I know. Because I write it. It�s not in my office to entertain me. Just sayin�. And, he�s right. If I shoved my words into a bottle and spoon-fed it to you all, you�d be unconscious by now. Really.

Later, I received a phone call with new marching orders, so to speak. I�ll just say that sometimes, it�s really important to just show up.

Then, I found out that one of my DearestColleagues (DC) was the one that X�d me. Here�s that.

(DC:) I�m sorry, I�m the one who X�d you.

(CI:) How could you do that? I mean, really, how could you?

(DC:) They gave me a list of people and told me to X all the people not on the list. You weren�t on the list. Sorry.

(CI:) What is this? Studio 54? I�m not on the list so you X�d me? How could you do me like that?

Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Well, besides attending that meeting, packing up this and that and well, doing my job.

It�s our busy season again. You know?

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003