10:52 p.m. | 2004-01-07

I Thank Baby Jesus, Or Whomever, That I�ve Been Plucked.

Today, the powers that be � those would be the big ones � snatched up Colleague (C) and I. We were flat-out plucked.

Seriously. We were beamed aboard a new ship. So to speak. In other words, we were relocated and will retain our jobs.

Which is great. Really. Totally cool.

However, I�m not cool with Boss being kicked to the curb. That doesn�t have anything to do with her performance, expertise, knowledge or skills. And, she�ll be back for sure. Of that, I�m confidant. But, I�m not liking the fact that she got kicked curbside. Not at all.

I have to say that I didn�t expect to be plucked and I really wasn�t prepared for it. Not today anyway. Colleague did �prepare� me as much as possible. This is that.

(C:) I�ve met with the NewBoss, and you�re going to meet with him today. You should know this � they�re all very young. Really, I mean they�re young. Be prepared to see that.

(CI:) Okay. You mean, everyone? Everyone�s young?

(C:) Yeah. Just so you know. I don�t want you to be surprised. That�s all.

(CI:) Thanks.

They are young. Which, you know, is fine and all� just that Colleague and I feel very old now. But, everyone was quite receptive to our �arrival�, so it�s all cool. We might have to get all hip now, but whatever.

We still get to do our job from a better place. That�s fantastic.

Since this was the first meeting, I tried to make a really good first impression. It was going along well until our NewBoss asked for my business card. I usually carry them with me � mostly because they make for great note cards � but I didn�t have any with me. So, being so smart and such, I just gave him my phone number.

Except, I gave him the wrong number.

The whole time that I spent walking back to the office, I pondered my actual number. The number I gave him just seemed too sequential. I notice stuff like that, so I knew I gave him a wrong number, but I couldn�t remember mine.

Yeah. It�s hard to correct that kind of thing without looking like an idiot. If you�re a village looking for your idiot, well, here I am.

To wrap this up, I�ll be doing the same vague stuff I normally do only in a different WorkPlace. A better workplace, actually.

And, to answer your question deeranged, it�s still only a couple of blocks away so I get to keep my packaged deal.

I�ve been plucked. Yay!

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003