11:52 a.m. | 2004-01-08

Fast Forward.

I went to MyWorkPlace today anticipating that I�d be moving soon. I didn�t actually know I would be moving today. The powers that be at MyOtherWorkPlace have been busy apparently.

Just to note, I still work, ultimately, for MyOtherWorkPlace. (And, for the record, it was MyOtherWorkPlace that plucked me.) Now, we�re just a bit closer. Connection-wise � the physical separation is about the same. But, I�m getting ahead of myself here.

Let me back up a bit.

Soon after I got to work, I was informed that the movers were coming in an hour to move us. Colleague and I weren�t really expecting such a quick response and hadn�t packed a thing.

Just to let you know, Colleague is more of a �big picture� person, while I�m more of a �detail� person. In other words, I packed up three offices while Colleague packed up his. That seems backwards but it�s not if you really think about it.

Fortunately, several people volunteered to help me. God bless them. They�re great people. Really, I couldn�t of done it without them. Frankly, I LOVE those people.

Anyway, we frantically tried to pack boxes faster than the movers could move them. I must say that it was a little disheartening when the movers took a lunch break so we could catch up with them. Yeah, we didn�t eat much today.

We grabbed something on the way to our NewWorkPlace and got there right before the movers delivered everything. Then, Colleague unpacked his boxes while I unpacked most of our files. I haven�t even touched my boxes yet.

I had to actually borrow one of my new colleagues� pens since I didn�t know where mine were. I remember packing them, but that was panic packing.

I wouldn�t say that were settled, but we have been moved. I have a ton of unpacking to do, have two computers on my desk and I don�t know if I even have a phone number yet.

It was a wild day, to say the least.

Near the end of the day, Colleague and I met with NewBoss to discuss some assignment requests that have already been made, and to discuss new assignments. It is the busy season, you know.

Staying late, we managed to discuss the first 50 or so. That�s a mere fraction of the stuff, of course. Here�s some of that.

(NewBoss:) Okay, this one�s about that.

(CI:) Oh, that�s mine. I get that same one every year. Here�s how it goes. They present this, they present that, they end up in this futile argument and well, it never goes anywhere. I�ve analyzed that for years. Same old stuff.

(NewBoss:) Maybe one of the interns?

(CI:) Perfect. They can learn all about that argument � and you can argue it forever. Yeah, good intern material.

(NewBoss:) Just to let you guys know, you�ll each get an intern as a mentee. That�s okay, right?

(CI:) Yeah, we�ve had interns before.

(C:) What�s the experience level of the interns?

(NB:) Oh, they�re green. Totally green.

(CI:) Perfect assignment then. They�ll find the topic interesting and trendy and they can cut their teeth on it. That�s a tired and old subject to me and it�s not going anywhere anyway, so it�s a good training assignment.

If you find the above conversation boring, keep reading because you�re not alone. Apparently.

The guy in charge of moving us had, at one point, considered doing what we do � which is analyzing stuff. Specific stuff, but well, stuff.

Here�s what he had to say about it today. Mind you, he moved us from a place where we were the only ones doing what we do � all two of us � to a place where there are maybe a dozen people who do what we do. In other words, we�ve been moved into our natural habitat. Anyway, here�s what happened.

(GuyInCharge:) (To Colleague and I.) You know, several years back I thought I wanted to do what you guys do, so I took some classes and everything, but I just couldn�t get into it. I don�t know� it just didn�t make sense to me.

(CI:) Well, it�s pretty boring stuff to most people.

(GIC:) I just want to say that I noticed a really big difference between where you were and where you are now. I was in awe when I walked in here (NewWorkPlace) and you guys were all talking the �same language�. I�ve never understood what all that stuff meant, so it�s strange to see you instantly connecting with these other people. You�re all talking the same way.

And, it�s true. Colleague and I are now in our natural habitat. We�re amongst people doing the same thing. In the OldWorkPlace, we were like an island. What we do/did was different from everyone else.

That�s a great feeling.

On another note, everyone at our NewWorkPlace mentioned my plants. All seemed happy about them, but I can�t help feeling like the crazy plant lady.

I�ll be getting an office shortly, but until them, I�m in a really small space. Which is fine, but right now, I don�t have room for my plants. So, they seem really excessive to me, especially since no one else in the office has any.

However, I�m using them as an icebreaker. It�s a win-win situation. My plants are used to natural light, I don�t have that at the moment, and the people who do like to house them without dealing with the maintenance.

�Nice to meet you, would you like to house a plant?� seems to be my new greeting.

Ironically, everyone mentioned how much �color� they bring to the office. Uh, they�re all green. I think they mean �life�, but maybe they just like the color green.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003