11:07 p.m. | 2004-01-11

I Can Hardly Wait To Break A Hip.

Due to the recent work move, I�ve got two fairly large bruises on one hip. Which doesn�t explain why my other hip, sans bruises, is chock-full of pain. I hope it�s not so bad tomorrow. I�ve still got quite a bit of unpacking to do, and already have a huge amount of assignments.

I�m okay with all that considering that I still have my job. Yay!

Not much happened today. I was bound and determined though to sleep in. Excessively, even, because of the rude awakenings yesterday. And, I excelled at that. I must say.

However, I did wake up early and wanted to read the paper. Now see, that�s a little trickier since I moved to TheHotel.

Previously, the paper was delivered to my front door and I could access it easily. Whereas now, it�s delivered to the front door of TheHotel. That being such, I have to actually leave my dreamspace, walk downstairs to the lobby and gather it from either the lobby or outside the front door.

That�s not exactly what I want to do first thing in the morning. Especially, when I haven�t showered the day before.

So, this morning, I wandered all the way out to my livingroom to collect portions of yesterday�s paper that I hadn�t yet read. That appeased me. And, lulled me back to sleep.

If I had to imitate anything, I believe I�d do a sloth well.

I picked up today�s paper this afternoon. So, I�m already behind on my reading. Of the news, diaries, books, email (work), and even the junk stuff.

But, I�m well rested and I suppose that counts for something.

And, I did spend many hours catching up on my diary readings. However, there are many people I haven�t caught up with. Don�t worry, I�ll get there.

Yes, I do go back and read all the stuff that I missed.

I consider tomorrow my first official day on the new/old job. I don�t know why, other than it�s a Monday.

Lets just hope that I stop clippin� walls with my shoulders as that seems to bother my safety conscious NewBoss. Not that my shoulders are big, and not that I�m not all about safety first, just that he doesn�t yet know that that�s within �normal� for me.

It�s just a spatial thing. Which, you know, I didn�t include on my resume. In fact, if you run into NewBoss, mum�s the word okay? It�ll just be our little secret.

I do tend to clip, trip and slip, but so far? It hasn�t prevented me from getting my job done. However, it does tend to make me look like an idiot, but so does talking.

As of yet, no harm, no foul. I think.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003