11:14 p.m. | 2004-01-13

No Rest For The Weary. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Are You Getting It Yet?

You may be wondering what happened to me. Or, you may not give a rat�s ass. That�s a 50/50 chance there. Or maybe, that�s a 10/90 chance, who knows? However, if you do wonder and don�t know, well then, let me make room for you in my boat.

Surely, there�s room. Right? Oh wait, that�s presuming you�d want to sit on my lap, or perhaps on one of my many boxes. That now surround my desk.

Confused? Yeah, me too.

Let me just sum it all up for you. I retained my job, but I�ve been transferred. Hence, I�m doing my same job differently for a NewBoss. Who�s new. As is everyone else at my NewWorkPlace besides Colleague and I.

And, it�s already our busy season again, yet it�s now in super mode. So yeah. Lots of extra hours, twelve-hour days and whatnot. New place, new system, new people. A lot of new stuff.

It�s all about change.

Actually, NewBoss and I discussed that briefly before I left this evening. To wit.

(NB:) I know this is a lot of change for you. I do understand that.

(CI:) So do I. In fact, I�m quite familiar with change.

(NB:) Change is good. But, it tends to be somewhat disturbing to people.

(CI:) Yes, it is good. And, it can be disturbing. However, I�m quite familiar with it. In fact, I lost six family members in a year, moved and faced layoffs and all that stuff. I know all about change. I�m okay with it. It�s all good.

(NB:) Oh, I�m sorry about your losses. All that in a year?

(CI:) Well, yeah. Except not this year. That was last year. Or whatever. I think change is good and all � and I think this change is great, and I can handle it. It�s just that change has been kicking my ass lately. That�s all.

NewBoss raised an eyebrow and then laughed. See, he swears. So do I. But I really haven�t let loose yet. However, I was sitting at my desk discussing this after-hours, so well, that just came out of my mouth.

If nothing else, I believe NewBoss is gonna love my gutter-mouth. Plus, I think I we�ll be learning profane vernacular from each other.

In other words, I think I can speak freely to NewBoss. Not that I couldn�t with Boss, but you know, I�m trying to be on my best behavior at my NewWorkPlace. But, hell, if my NewWorkPlace welcomes my profanity, I�m in a pretty good place.

However, I�m screwed as far as workload goes. It�s so astronomical now that it�s just silly. But, I�ve done silly before. So to speak. When your workload reaches silly it�s almost like you have none at all. Except for that part where you put in all the extra hours. They�re just more lenient on the quality/demand part.

Opposite ends of the same spectrum. I�ve been on both ends and in the middle so it all evens out to me. Eventually.

It�s the �eventually� part that�s prevented me from posting. Yeah. We�re nowhere near that now. So, my entries will be sporadic for a period of time. Then, it will all settle into a routine, I hope, and I�ll be back to regular updates. Hopefully, you�ll all bear with me.

And, please know that I�m gonna be behind in my reading for a while and I will be spending a lot of time catching up. Hopefully, it�ll all work out soon.

I�m considering this change �a mere blip�. And, I hope to hell that I�m right about that. Really.

Apropos of nothing, the restrooms are closer now. There are the important things � frig, microwave, water � and they�re available to me. And, get this, we have to climb stairs to get to our NewWorkPlace. I mean, there is an elevator, but we�re only going up one floor and it�s old, slow and, well, I don�t even know where it is.

The stairs are right there when you walk in. It�s natural. It�s cool. It�s more steps for me, and you know I�ve been working on that, so it�s good.

Colleague? Hates them. Bemoans them, even.

My opinion? Colleague needs some exercise. Hence, I smile a little every time I bound up them.

Not nice, perhaps, but true.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003