10:19 p.m. | 2004-01-25


When I express things, verbally or via writing, I always think people understand exactly what I�m talking about. That�s not the case, of course, but I continue to believe it nonetheless.

As such, there have been some misconceptions about my recent �grocery shopping strike�. Some people think I have food issues, some think that I�m dieting and some think that it�s a social anxiety thing. On top of all that, I�m quite sure many people have no idea what the hell I�m talking about.

When I go on a �grocery shopping strike�, that just means that I refuse to go grocery shopping. Since I�m my sole provider and the only person in my household, that means I enjoy the thrill of avoiding a chore, but I also experience the consequences � no food and other various and sundry items.

So, before I went shopping on Saturday, after brunch of course, I pondered why I detest this particular chore. Especially since I only go grocery shopping two days a month. We�re talking maybe, in total, four flipping hours out of a whole month. What the fuck is wrong with me?


That�s why I hate it so. It flat-out causes physical pain.

You wouldn�t know it from this diary, but my hands are the weakest part of my body. Truly. And, there aren�t a lot of things that don�t require handy work, so to speak. See, grocery shopping requires a whole lot of that stuff. Plus, I probably never mentioned that any sort of vibration to my hands is very, very painful. Yeah, grocery carts. They cause that sort of vibration. Hate it.

The final agony is having to carry all my groceries for a spell before climbing up several flights of stairs and walking a bit before I actually get all that foody goodness into my kitchen. And, before putting the groceries away, I have to go back down and drive around to find a parking place for my car. Then climb up all the stairs again so I can put it all away.

Is it making any sense to you all now?

It does to me. I�ve been doing chores for so long that I don�t often ponder about the ones I either love or hate. Even if you don�t care that I�ve solved this mystery, it explains a lot to me. I hate grocery shopping because it�s physically painful.

And, I have to say, most things that I hate doing are things that cause pain. Go figure.

That also explains why I love grocery shopping with DearestSister. She mans the cart and my nephews fetch and carry things. All I have to do is tag along. See, that�s much more pleasant for me.

In my dreams, my non-existent spouse would love grocery shopping. Well, and cleaning the bathroom. Oh, and all that stupid car care crap.

Alas, those are pipe dreams. So to speak.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003