12:07 a.m. | 2004-01-28

Coincidence? Perhaps.

Remember how I told you that I have a window in my office? Heh, I wasn�t lying. I do have one. One I can look through, or open, from my desk. Okay, I can�t open it from my desk � I have to get up and all � but I trust that you get the point.

As an interesting aside, the street that I view from this window happens to be the street I live on. And, it�s my commuting street too. In other words, I walk down this same street from my home and two blocks later, I�m at work. Looking at the same street. This street happens to be a main throughway. It�s frequently traveled and seen by many.

Anyway, there�s been this �billboard� type truck that�s been running around lately that suggests that �we� should protect marriage or whatever. Or rather, the sanctity of marriage. I guess. Whatever that is. Go on and shoot me if you�re going to be trifling over the exact message. Not being married, I don�t know.

However, I believe that what I�m supposed to glean from the message is that anything outside of a �traditional� marriage is wrong. Religiously, morally and ethically. Since I live beyond the lines of any sort of �traditional� marriage � or even a relatively normal relationship � I presume that I�m receiving the message that I�m going to HELL. But, I already know that so I consider the billboard as a rather �colorful� expression of free speech.

It may condemn me, but tomorrow, it�ll condemn you, so it all works out in the end. WHATEVER.

Back to my story.

So, I was sitting at my desk looking out the window when I saw the �billboard� truck passing by followed by two horse-drawn carriages (think uncovered �pioneer� wagons). Then this happened.

(CI:) (Noting the juxtaposition and thinking it was coincidence. And, not knowing OMC�s stance on that whole issue.) Heh. (Chuckling.)

(OMC:) What�s so funny?

(CI:) Oh, just some horse-drawn wagons full of people in period costumes. Must be some event or re-creation going on over here or there. It�s just funny to see that mixed into the regular traffic. But, they do that occasionally.

(OMC:) Funny thing you should mention that. I�ve noticed a �billboard� truck going around lately. It says something about marriage or whatnot.

(CI:) Yeah, funny thing. I�ve seen the same truck and I just saw it again a second ago. It was followed by those wagons. Do you think they�re together? I mean, do you think they�re harkening back to a different time� you know, when men were men and women were too? (FYI, I come from hardy stock, if�n you couldn�t tell.)

(OMC:) That�s funny. (Apparently, he hasn�t heard that before. I should welcome him to my childhood. And, well, to pure, unadulterated irony.) But, it�s also an interesting question. I wonder.

(CI:) So do I.

I looked out the window frequently. That was the only time I saw the billboard truck �with� the wagons. I saw all of them separately throughout the day, but never again together.

Oh, and I can also see another street. One that runs perpendicular. I�ve got a blind spot on the corner, but I know what�s headed our way. So to speak.

I like knowing what�s around the corner. Generally and specifically. And mostly, I hope it�s not a truck. Especially one condemning me to HELL.

I already got that message.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003