11:17 a.m. | 2004-02-11

What Exactly Is Going On Next Door?

When I say �next door� I mean in the building next door not the Senior Center next door. That�s drama city over there, but I�m not talking about that.

No, see, I�m talking about next door on the �other side�. Like the Senior Center, it�s quite big, however, I believe it�s a government agency. Which is different from a Senior Center. In other words, it�s all busy-busy during the day but mostly vacant at night. Well, and the people � in general � aren�t all seniors and whatnot. Not so much with the canes and wheelchairs. Generally, I mean.

Before I moved into TheHotel, I really didn�t know about the Senior Center or the Government Agency (GA). Sure, I walked past them before, but I didn�t take notes. Nor did I know that the GA was going to start renovations effective the exact date that I moved into TheHotel. I learned that on moving day actually.

And, even then, I didn�t know that it was gonna take a couple of years. Nor did I know that the building behind it was next up on the renovation schedule. In other words, I didn�t know shit and a bunch of it�s happening � and is going be happening � for a many, many years.

Let me suggest this: if that kind of stuff disturbs you, learn to ask those pertinent questions. In my case, I care not. Kinda.

Noise, in general, doesn�t disturb me. I�m only disturbed when it�s unexpected noise. Otherwise, it gets absorbed into my �normal noise-filtering device�. If that�s makes any sense.

I�m guessing that anyone who�s a parent understands what that is. Notwithstanding the really horrible sentence structure there.

Anyway, I�ve been tolerating really obnoxious noises and sidewalk detours since I moved here. Not a big deal. However, I�m intrigued with the whole process. The construction/reconstruction thing. And, for the last few weeks? I�ve been totally intrigued with one particular aspect.

See, they�re draining the, um, building. I guess. For the last several weeks, the building has been leaking � purposefully so � a great amount of water. They�re draining it out of a pipe on the ground floor and have sandbagged its route so the water only runs on that side of the alley.

That intrigues me. Oh, and I�m presuming it�s water. No odor but I�m not gonna do a taste test� so lets presume it�s water.

That�s the intriguing part. They�ve been draining water out of a building for a few weeks. What is that? I mean, I�m not an expert about buildings and whatnot, but I don�t believe they�re 95% water.

Where is that water coming from? That�s what I want to know.

I can �leak� water and that�s normal. My car leaks a little bit of water and everyone freaks out about it. Yet a big tall building can leak water for weeks and no one questions it?

Why is that?

I mean, are they defrosting Jimmy Hoffa?

To get a better perspective about it, I walked behind the building recently, and frankly, it looks like a huge crack house. At least a couple of stories up. Windows are busted out and stuff. Some are covered with cardboard, others are covered with plastic and many aren�t covered at all. And there�s boxcars of trash behind the place and debris everywhere.

The trash and debris I get. That�s normal construction stuff. But what�s up with the water drainage and the busted out windows?

Oh, and did I mention that people still work there?

I mean, are they concerned that their building is losing fluid at a really rapid pace? Because, you know, that could wreak havoc on electrolyte rates. Shoot, that building could go into shock at any moment.

Heh, maybe that�s why I sit around my house alone in my thoughts. Perhaps, I�m, the only one thinking them.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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