| 2004-02-11

I Hate It When I Shatter My Own Illusions.

OMC�s been burning the midnight oil right along side NewBoss. That�s not a �problem� for me, per se, but it has caused me to ponder whether or not I can still burn the proverbial �midnight oil�. To wit.

(CI:) (To OMC.) So, you worked up to midnight and showed up here bright and early?

(OMC:) Yeah. I really needed to put in those hours.

(CI:) I respect and understand that, but aren�t you tired? I mean, how did you do that.

(OMC:) Oh, I�m amazingly tired today, however, it was necessary so I did it.

(CI:) Conceptually, I get that. But, physically? How�d you do it? I don�t think I could work until midnight anymore. I would, of course, if I had to, but I�m not sure that I could pull that off anymore. Mostly because of the fibro and my �advanced� age.

(OMC:) Okay, I get ya. Yeah, it�s much harder to do now than before. But, it had to be done. Yeah. I�m feeling it.

And, I do know that it�ll be my turn at some point. I�m so seeing caffeine in my future. Does that ever go away?

I�m old and I�m tired. And, caffeine really works against me. Outside of negating some of my medications, it makes me annoying as hell. Really.

It�s causes a cycle where I annoy me and everyone around me, and then I crash and continue annoying the whole world. Or at least the part around me.

It�s just not pretty. At all.

In other news, NewBoss walked down the hall to pay us a visit. Us meaning me, actually. However, he was really just taking a break because he needed it. Here�s some of that.

(NB:) I just thought I�d come over and see how you�ve settled in.

(CI:) Great. Do you like what I�ve done with �the place�?

(NB:) Yeah. But, why are there so many boxes here?

(CI:) Well, you said this was temporary and I�d be moving again shortly (heh), so I haven�t unpacked.

(NB:) Yeah. That makes sense. (Looking around.) Um, why do you have a map of waterways on your wall?

(CI:) It�s kind of cool, don�t you think?

(NB:) It�s okay, but why?

(CI:) Well, because you told me that this space wasn�t �ours�, that it was temporary and this map was already on the wall. It came with my space, so to speak, so I figured that I probably shouldn�t touch it. I think it�s intriguing though.

(NB:) Really?

(CI:) Yeah, because it�s �unexpected�. But since we�re talking about intriguing things about water, and you�re really smart, I have a question for you. And, I bet you can answer it.

(NB:) What?

(CI:) You know they�re remodeling the building next door to my dreamspace and there�s this weird drainage thing going on� (I explained all that) So, where is all the water coming from?

(NB:) (He explained all that to me. Trust me, it�s not even remotely exciting. Basically, they�re draining ground water. See, not exciting.)

(CI:) I knew you�d know. But, that�s not as fun and exciting as my scenarios.

(NB:) Do you really think I�m that smart?

(CI:) Yeah. You answered my question, right?

NewBoss is very smart. Technically, I have more education and experience than he does. The experience thing is due to age; I�ve been working longer than he has. However, he probably has a higher level of experience while I probably have a higher level of education. Technically speaking.

But smart is just smart. And, smart has many levels and degrees. Pardon the pun. I mean, he answered my question easily while I�ve been pondering it for several weeks.

The point being, don�t underestimate or overestimate a person. Someone always has less than you and someone always has more. Just try not to be at the top or the bottom of that pile.

It�s just not flattering at either end.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003