11:33 a.m. | 2004-03-27

Nice To Meet You, Pardon Me While I Vomit.

We had a �Meet and Greet� potluck this week at work for all the folks in the building. Apparently, I�m one of the few people who have a spatial sense, ironically, of the extent of our building. Yes, it is small, but apparently, not as small as most folks thought.

My own co-workers were amazed at how many people work in the building. Of course, many are new and, obviously, haven�t roamed about, while I�ve been visiting folks at this place for a couple of years. But still, it was kind of funny. Uh, to me anyway.

It was a great potluck and all. However, afterwards, my lunch sat like a rock in the pit of my stomach. Which seemed odd, but I just figured I ate more that I thought I did. Or something.

I think it was more of the �or something� variety.

I got home a little late but settled in nonetheless. It wasn�t long before huge waves of nausea hit me. At first, I thought I took one of my painkillers by mistake but I checked and that wasn�t the case. Since I was very tired and in a lot of pain, I quickly jumped on the railcar of denial.

I knew what was gonna follow but I just didn�t want to throw up. I hate throwing up with a passion. Hate. It.

I remember when I knew. You know that moment? That moment when you know you�re gonna vomit in mere seconds. Yeah. I actually sat there thinking I could stop that train. Right before I ran to the bathroom and barfed violently. Thankfully, I made it in time.

That was just the beginning, unfortunately.

It was a very long night. The longest stretch of sleep I got that night was 45 minutes. I was up every 30 minutes or so, racing to the bathroom. Honestly, I don�t know how I could continue being so sick when there was nothing left in me other than spittle. I mean, really, that�s just excessive.

Thankfully, I drink a lot of water so amazingly enough, I remained hydrated. Notwithstanding the fact that I couldn�t actually keep water down.

Again, it was a really long night.

Last night wasn�t nearly as bad, but it wasn�t good either. In the last two days, I�ve eaten two Popsicles and a bowl of soup. And, I forced myself to eat that much. I�ve found food to be rather disgusting over the last couple of days. Obviously, I�m ill. Perhaps completely out of my mind too.

Food disgusting to me? Something�s definitely wrong with that picture.

I�m feeling better now though. I�ve been keeping what little I�ve eaten and water down, so that�s good. And, I�m starting to get a little hungry.

I�m hoping I can go to brunch tomorrow and eat a decent meal. Lord knows I need it because I�ve been more lethargic than a slug over the past couple of days. I�ve been napping like a nappaholic. Seriously. I change the channel on the TV - with the remote - and then I have to take a nap because I expended all that energy.

Hopefully, I�ll be good to go tomorrow. Or at least a lot better. I have a ton of stuff to do. Don�t you know. I just don�t have time for all this sicky-sick stuff.

Well and, I don�t want to miss brunch and Boston Boston tomorrow. You all know how important brunch is to me.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003