10:56 p.m. | 2004-04-05

I�ve Got Stuff Going On, I Tell You. Stuff, Damn It.

So, work. Yeah. Too much going on there. Way too much. I�ve been working a lot of overtime, which is fine generally, but I�m not liking it so much now. I mean, not right now specifically.

See, Hyde is coming to visit. He�s coming from far away. And, he�s arriving this Friday. That�s all cool and whatnot, but I�ve been putting in all kinds of extra hours in order to have that day off.

Too many hours. I know that because I caught myself incorporating HTML code into my written analyses. That�s just wrong. On so many levels. That�s just a little shy of signing one as �Cruel-Irony�. That�s also an indication that I�ve been neglecting my diary way too much.

Hyde. That�s gonna be an interesting visit. We haven�t seen each other since high school. However, he�s one of the few people that I really want to see again. He�s very cool.

Of course, you have to take my word for it, but go ahead and take my word. Just saying.

It�s hard to explain, but we were quite close and spent a lot of time together back in the day. It�s gonna be great to see him again.

In other news, Boston Boston is now bringing me a salad, with dressing on the side, with my ice tea shortly after he seats me for Saturday brunch. I love him. Okay, maybe �love� is too strong a word, but I certainly appreciate his efforts on my behalf.

And, well, I kinda love him in that Austin Austin kind of way.

On a completely different note, do you ever wonder if the person who delivers your mail puts together a kind of �profile� in their mind about you? I do. How could they not do that if they have a regular route?

I wondered about that on Saturday when I went downstairs to retrieve my newspaper and ran into the mailman. This is that.

(CI:) Hi. (Heading out the front door to retrieve my paper.)

(MM:) Hi. I hope you have a nice weekend.

(CI:) Thanks. (Knowing he�s gonna be embarrassed when I walk right back in.)

(MM:) Oh.

(CI:) (Putting other peoples� papers above their mailboxes.)

(MM:) Thanks.

(CI:) You�re welcome. (Honestly, I have no idea why he thanked me for that. Newspapers aren�t his responsibility � unless they�re mailed.)

Then, I opened my mailbox, right after he shut it, in order to retrieve my mail. I could hear him making a distinct chuckling noise as I gathered my mail. Then, this happened.

(MM:) (Big smile.) I hope you have a really great day.

(CI:) (Smiling back.) I hope you do also.

My mail consisted of two postcards from Hyde. Do I think the mailman read them? Absolutely.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003