11:07 p.m. | 2004-11-06

Rebel With A Cause. Kinda.

If you�re into vegetables and whatnot. I tend to have a �vegetable tooth� as opposed to a �sweet tooth�. Yes, I do know that it�s an odd thing. Very odd. Yet, there it is. I had a roommate once. While she craved ice cream, I craved green peppers. Irrational, I know. But, that�s me. Live and learn.

Anyway, I went grocery shopping today. You know, you�d think it wouldn�t be such a despised chore since I always take a list and only go once a month now. No. Still hate it. Notwithstanding the amount of time I spend comparison shopping and hunting down obscure food items. Still hate it.

And, I get weird cravings. Lately, it�s been water chestnuts, lima beans and fresh pineapple. Not rational I�ll admit. Well, and odd. But, for whatever reason, my body does not like junk food. I�ve accepted that and have moved on.

On a sidenote, just so you know, I�m a saltaholic, take several medications and am not apt to turn down a margarita. Nor am I likely to be found, or even sighted at a gym. I�m not suggesting that I�m a health freak at all. Quite the contrary.

I�m just weird.

So, I�m at the grocery store today trying to find canned lima beans. I skipped on the fresh pineapple because I know I only want one slice. And, I�m not gonna pay $5.00 for that when I could get a whole pineapple for much less. Water chestnuts? Not in the canned vegetable aisle, but I knew where to look for those.

Lima beans? No.

I carefully scanned the canned fruit and vegetable aisle three times over. No lima beans. I noticed in all my scanning that they�re no longer in alphabetical order. That�s new. In fact, canned zucchini came before the canned asparagus. That seems OCD like, but they�ve always put them in order before.

However, the store I go to switches stuff up a lot. A lot.

That led to this exchange.

(Cashier:) Did you find everything okay today?

(CI:) No, actually. I couldn�t find lima beans.

(Cashier:) Okay. Hey GroceryGuy (I no longer know the PC name for a bagboy, who was male in this case, but I�m guessing that �groceryguy� isn�t PC either. Deal.) can you check the canned vegetable aisle for lima beans?

(GG:) Sure.

(CI:) Thanks.

(GG:) (On the loudspeaker.) Cashier, it�s GG.

(Cashier:) (Picking up the phone.) Oh, okay. Thanks. (To me.) GG couldn�t find lima beans either. Sorry.

(CI:) It�s okay. This store has a tendency to change what they carry. A lot.

(Cashier:) Yeah, they do. It�s really frustrating if it�s somebody�s favorite item.

(CI:) Yeah, it is. And, this store often attempts to hide those changes by moving everything around. It�s a valiant ruse, but not that successful.

(Cashier:) Yeah. They do have a tendency to be obscurant.

And, here I was the one feeling like a geek. Heh.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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