7:00 p.m. | 2004-11-10

Irony Is So Cool.

The absolute without a doubt super best thing I did today was have lunch with BestestGirlfriend. Of course, we talked nonstop. Notwithstanding all the flirting from our waiter. Anyway, if you follow my diary � as neglected as it is � you know that we tend to tackle serious issues. We started with world issues first. Obviously. We eventually brought it closer to home. After she told me a story about a friend of hers. It ended like this.

(BG:) There�s always those moments or things that define you and make you who you are. That was his. One of my legs is shorter than the other. That�s part of who I am. I�m quite sure I�d be a different person if both my legs were the same length. Know what I mean?

(CI:) Of course. Oh, and I�ve had several moments. And you know what? I don�t regret anything in my life because� Okay. Wait a minute. I�ve been repeating this bullcrap line for long enough. I�m just gonna finish that statement completely in public for the very first time in my life just to do it. To follow through.

(BG:) Okay.

(CI:) Um. Okay. This is how it goes. I don�t regret anything in my life because it has gotten me where I am today. Which is� go with me on this� um, single, childless, 40, living in an apartment Downtown, underpaid and definitely underappreciated. And really asset-less. Unless you count my ass. Now, I�ve just come upon this realization so let me give you my defensive justification. �K?

(BG:) Yes. Can�t wait.

(CI:) However, �personal growth� is what�s really important. Using that measuring stick? Oh, well, I�m like 10� tall.

(BG:) So, you�re slightly more happy than you were ten years ago?

(CI:) Exactly.

We laughed a lot. Not only about that, but about other things too. In a rather sedate restaurant environment. Not sure that was appreciated but it didn�t stop the waiter from flirting with us. Relentlessly.

I�ll leave you with this.

�This is like a military church with vegetarians in it.� I lifted that quote from Wife Swap.

And, come on. I don�t care how militant, reverent or herbivoriant (or whatever) you are, you have to admit that is seriously funny.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003