10:12 p.m. | 2004-11-25

Gobble Gobble.

I went to YougerSister�s for Thanksgiving today. The traffic was bloody awful. Top speed was about 40mph but most of the time it was 20mph. As a result, I noticed signs that I haven�t noticed in the past because I was going 80mph. (Unless you�re a cop; then I was going the speed limit. Just for the record.) This confused me and I thought I went too far so I turned around and took an exit I�ve never taken before. (Later I discovered that I turned around right before I reached the exit I normally take.)

I ended up in the downtown section of YoungerSister�s town. Interesting place. However, she lives in the suburbs. I�ve never been downtown in that town, but I have a very strong sense of direction. I don�t know why I�m so naturally directional but it�s handy. I winged it and found their house without any trouble at all.

LittleNephew was waiting at the door for me. LN had a little technical trouble at first. He kept calling me by EldestSister�s name and then forgot my name completely. A little disheartening but soon he was back on track. We ate snacks, watched a movie (kind of), pet the dogs and colored. We also had this conversation.

(LN:) Hey, you�re using the wrong end of the crayon. That�s wrong. You�re supposed to color forward not backwards. Backwards is wrong.

(CI:) Are you telling me that I can�t use both ends of the crayon?

(LN:) Yeah, because that�s wrong. Color forward not backwards.

(CI:) At my house, you can use both ends of the crayon.

(LN:) But that�s wrong.

(CI:) Not at my house.

(LN:) It�s still wrong even at your house.

(CI:) Not so Kiddo, not so.

(LN:) Uh huh.

I was saved by the dinner bell. YoungerSister made a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner. LN, being the picky little eater that he is, opted for a cheese and mayonnaise sandwich (NOT grilled, please), carrots and red peppers. I managed to get in some conversation with YoungerSister and YSHusband before LN started telling a string of fibs. At 4� and expecting to become a big brother in several months, he seems to be at the stage where he�s testing his parents quite a bit.

Fortunately, he�s not a good fibber and he�s still young enough that he doesn�t realize how transparent his stories are. And, his parents have stiff resolve. He pushed YS�s buttons pretty hard but stopped short of actually crossing the line. Anyway, after dinner, LN and I read books and played cars together (he called me a �road hog�) while YS and YSHusband cleaned up. Then we all finished the movie and got a chance to visit for a while. Our visit included this interesting occurrence.

(CI:) Hey LN, would you put these books away please? (I don�t normally go around telling other people�s children what to do, but it just slipped out.)

(LN:) (Starting toward me then stopping suddenly and �scratching� at his face.) Mommy! My face itches!

(YS:) Where does it itch; let me see.

(LN:) All over Mommy! My whole head itches!

Apparently, when I ask LN to do something he doesn�t want to do, he suffers from �sudden onset itchy face� which stops him in his tracks and prevents him from completing such a task. Yeah, we all saw right through that one and his parents told him to put the books away and then he could scratch. Not surprisingly, once the books were back on his shelves, there was no more itching. Kids are so funny.

Anyway, I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving.

your thoughts?

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