10:02 a.m. | 2005-11-14

Important Things.

I had to go back to the dentist today. I don�t hate dental appointments yet I don�t look forward to them either. I don�t have a lot of dental problems, rather I have just enough. And, it�s been awhile since I�ve sat in the chair for some serious work.

Right around 40 years of age, all the medically inclined seem to magically appear. Suddenly, it�s about mammograms, cholesterol levels and crowns. Certainly, it can happen before you get to be my age, but it�s suddenly rampant for me.

I left work today, without a thought, and drove to my dentist�s office. After I got all settled in the chair, the dental assistant started routing around my hip area � which, frankly, made me quite uncomfortable.

Until she asked if it was okay to check out my ID.

That might seem odd, but she wasn�t out of line. I carry my actual ID in my purse, but I�m required to carry another right about my hip area. Well, I don�t have to carry it there, but it�s convenient to clip in onto my pants right next to my pedometer.

Personally, I think she only noticed it because I�ve pinned my swag from Mare onto my ID. The universal ASL �I love you� sign is something that a person would notice. Especially when it�s on my badge because, where I clipped it? It�s at an upward angle. It looks happy.

But, here�s what happened.

(DentalPerson:) Can I look at this? (Grabbing my ID)

(CI:) Sure.

(DP:) Oh, you�re important. What do you do?

(CI:) (Huh?) Um, this kind of thing.

(DP:) That�s important.

(CI:) Um, yeah. I suppose.

What�s really important is that Frankie�s message is on my badge. At least, that�s what I was thinking. And, I�m quite sure that�s what caught her eye.

I�m also relatively sure that she thinks what I do is important because she doesn�t know what it is. (I abhor telling people what I do for that reason alone. No one in my family and none of my friends could tell you what I do. The most boring job ever, I suppose, except I enjoy it.) However, I know that doesn�t make it so. I absolutely don�t know squat about dentistry so I think what they do is really important.

And, much more practical. I really can�t dismiss what I do, but I can�t make your teeth all pretty and I don�t know much about gingivitis.

It�s odd because I just do the work that I do and it doesn�t seem really important. Yet, when I think about it, it is. It might just be the most responsible work I�ve ever done.

Yet, at the same time, it isn�t. I�ve never thought of it like that before.

If I didn�t do my job, someone else would. I�m certainly replaceable. I guess that�s why I�ve never thought that what I do is important. But, I can�t suggest that it�s not.

It might not be as practical as dentistry, but I suppose it�s just as necessary.

Don't forget though... they have numbing medication. Sometimes, that can make all the difference in the world.

your thoughts?

seed flower

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