10:25 p.m. | 2006-02-28

Planes, Trains And Automobiles.

I took a rather circuitous route to WeetaPieCon. Not to be different so much as to enjoy the company along the way. First, I flew to Chicago and met up with the lovely and entertaining Fredlet. She not only met me at my gate, she successfully navigated O�Hare to the trains. We hopped on and headed for downtown Chicago where we met up with the one and only TranceJen. Fred, Trance and I then took another train to a small Wisconsin town where we hooked up with the charming and unforgettable Kari. Being the sweetheart that she is, Kari then drove us all the way to Green Bay.

I mention our complicated travels only to emphasize our mutual quest to do anything to get to WeetaPieCon, and to point out that extracted travel plans come with the added benefit of spending even more time with very awesome people. Most of all, it�s a built-in support system from the beginning to the end. It�s a way to ease into TheCon and a way to ease out of it. Cause, you know, we did the exact reverse on the way back. Auto, train, plane. Till four became three which became two which became one. Honestly, it�s the best way to go. It makes the buildup more exciting and the subsequent let down much easier. Hanzel and Gretal effect there. You should always leave some bread crumbs along the way and then pick them right back up. It smooths the path, if you will.

Oh hell with all that. These people rock. That I got to spend more time with them? More power to me.

TheCon, AnyCon is like that. It�s so indescribable in it�s awesomeness. There�s no way to explain how she can groove the �70's while still charming the pants off the youngun�s, how Mare can captivate a whole room with a simple handout and how Jesse can rock the world just by flashing a smile. As can Thumper (and his train of beer). Choo, Choo indeed.

There was even a Con vs. Townsfolk throwdown this time. A kareoke-off. One in which Trance and Weet drove the competition from the bar. Drove them away with their stellar singing skills. All while entertaining us to the nth degree.

And, what about Mr. and Mrs. ScienceGirl? Totally cute, quite smart and utterly charming. No Con is complete without some Science. Seriously.

I�d be remiss if I didn�t mention my Muse. I�d also be heart-stricken if he hadn�t been there. I like to laugh a lot. No surprise there. But Chauffi? He can take my laugh to the next level instantly. With a look, an off-hand remark or, apparently, by flinging me into the air. Much to my surprise, I found another muse at this Con. One who�s more apt to tell me to fuck off than to kiss me. Both approaches make me giggle and I love that.

There�s more though. I was thrilled to see Lisa Marie, Deb, Mopie, Ian, Karen and Mr. Karen and Lissa again.

Unfortunately, I didn�t get to spend enough time with Paula and Allie, Allison, Rachel, Betty and Ed, Amalia and Sarah.

You might think I just did all this linky-link stuff to be all linky-link nice. You�d be wrong though. Very, very wrong. The people above? Quite a good looking crowd to be sure, but also very personable. It�s my bad that I didn�t spend more time with some folks. Seriously. I hate that about the Cons. So many people, so little time.

Ditto with the local guys. Like, The Jason who is an awesome dancer and quite charming, Scotty Boom Boom who regaled the likes of us with the most wonderful stories, and Eric who simply blew us away with his good looks and welcoming ways.

Of course, I�d be remiss if I didn�t mention Ward and June. There�s really no way I can adequately thank Weet�s inlaws for providing such wonderful sustenance and pleasant company. Likewise, I have to thank The Cowboy for, well, the great view. (Might I suggest a sleigh ride in Wisconsin in February in order to enjoy the sustenance, company and view.) Really? It doesn�t get much better than that.

Overall? If you haven�t been to a Con � a JournalCon, WeetaCon or WeetaPieCon � go. Just go. Trust me there�s no better remedy for ANYTHING that ails you. If nothing ails you, count your lucky stars and then get on the next plane to the next Con. Seriously.

It�s hyacinths for the soul. And, if you could give your soul flowers, why wouldn�t you?

Porta-potties full of ice notwithstanding.

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003