6:36 p.m. | 2003-04-14

Where�s Superman, Or Detective Briscoe, When You Need Him?

When Boss, Colleague and I returned from lunch, we immediately noticed that something was amiss at Security Guard�s witness stand. The flowerpot that the stuffed quacking bunny had been occupying now, once again, holds a beautiful orchid.

We questioned Security Guard about this only to discover that someone stole his quacking bunny! Really, how pathetic is that? Quacking Bunny wasn�t really all that cute and, well, the alleged �quacking� noise it made really sounded more like a squealing guinea pig. But still.

Of course, we didn�t point out the little lapse in security there. See, MyWorkPlace doesn�t require quite the same protection that MyOtherWorkPlace does. Rather than big old guns, scanners, x-ray machines and additional staff, Security Guard mans our building alone armed with, uh, a cell phone with which to call for help.

MyWorkPlace uses a more stealth form of security: obscurity. There are no signs or indications of the building occupants so visits tend to be purposeful rather than random. Wanderers who happen into the lobby are quickly escorted out and sent on their way. If they happen to get past Security Guard, they still can�t gain access anywhere, including the restrooms, unless they have a code or special card.

Well, except for Security Guard�s witness stand. They can plunder all they want there and, apparently, someone found Quacking Bunny irresistible. And, I don�t think I have to tell you all that I found that annoying little creature quite resistible.

Quote of the Day

�And, I�m certainly not going to start coming to work at the crack of dawn like Cruel-Irony does.� (Boss, discussing the varying flexibility of our work schedules.)

your thoughts?

seed flower

JournalCon 2003